
17. May 2023

First "green rails” to be laid on the Belgian railway network by summer

Saarstahl Rail is supplying 2,800 kilometers of rails to Belgium over four years, supported by  €200 million investment. These rails, produced from recycled materials, will reduce the carbon footprint by 70%. This initiative will prevent the emission of 224,000 tons of CO2, equivalent to the annual footprint of 9,000 households. The first “green” rails will be installed on the Belgian railway network by summer, in line with an environmental and economic strategy endorsed by Minister Georges Gilkinet.


Useful links:

Les premiers rails “verts” posés sur le réseau ferroviaire d’ici l’été – L’Avenir (

Hayange. Saarstahl Rail conclut un contrat de 200 M€ pour la livraison de rails verts (

Le réseau ferroviaire belge bientôt équipé de rails ‘verts’ – RTBF Actus

Industrie en Moselle : Saarstahl Rail signe un gros contrat à 200 millions d’euros (

Infrabel diminue l’empreinte carbone de ses rails – Le Soir